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Fire Ant Treatment

Canfield Pest Control

Brisbane Pest Control Specialists

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Fire ant inspection and treatment

Dealing with the Threat of Invasive Fire Ants in Queensland

Fire Ants are a significant pest problem in Queensland, particularly in Brisbane. These invasive insects pose serious risks to humans, pets, and the environment. Effective treatment and control are crucial to prevent their spread and mitigate the damage they cause.

Fire Ants form nest mounds on lawns, sporting fields, or golf courses.

The fire ant is one of the world’s most invasive species. Here in South East Queensland, it has the potential to negatively impact our outdoor lifestyle, our unique environment, and our agriculture industry. In addition, fire ants are highly adaptive, highly aggressive, and have excellent survival skills.

Under the Biosecurity Act of 2014, all individuals and organisations have a general Biosecurity obligation to take all responsible steps to prevent the spread of fire ants.

Queenslanders are legally required to report suspected sightings of fire ants within 24 hours of their discovery and, depending on the nest location, take action to treat the nest. If you do not do this, penalties may apply to the individual and the company.

Non-compliance with the Biosecurity Act can lead to significant financial penalties. Offences such as moving soil from one bio-security zone to another can result in fines of up to $5,000 per offence for individuals and up to $50,000 for companies.

  • If you see fire ants, you must notify Biosecurity Queensland on 13 25 23 or complete the online fire ant notification form.

For a professional and efficient solution, consider Canfield Pest Control. With our expertise and qualifications, we can inspect, report, and treat fire ants, minimising downtime and cost for you or your business.


  • Do it yourself (DIY)
  • National Fire Ant Eradication Program treatment regime
  • Hire a licensed pest manager (fees apply)

For further information, visit

Request an Inspection: Schedule an inspection today with Canfield Pest Control to assess your Fire Ant problem.


Who Should Get a Fire Ant Inspection?

  1. Suspected Infestations: If you think you have fire ants, immediate inspection is crucial.
  2. Homeowners and Builders: Before starting any construction, call us to inspect and create a management plan tailored to your project.
  3. Businesses Handling Materials: For businesses moving materials that could carry fire ants, we offer comprehensive reviews, inspections, and treatment schedules to ensure compliance with regulations.

Contact us for a thorough inspection and effective fire ant management solutions.

What Are Fire Ants?

Fire Ants, scientifically known as Solenopsis invicta, are aggressive insects known for their painful stings. They are coppery/reddish-brown and typically build large mounds in open areas. These ants threaten both health and property, making it essential to address infestations promptly.

Why Are Fire Ants a Problem?

  1. Health Risks: Fire Ant stings can cause severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis in sensitive individuals.
  2. Environmental Impact: Fire Ants disrupt local ecosystems by displacing native ant species and affecting wildlife.
  3. Economic Damage: Infestations can damage crops, livestock, and infrastructure, leading to significant economic losses.

Fire Ant Infestation Signs

  1. Presence of large, dome-shaped mounds in your yard or open areas.
  2. Increased ant activity, especially after rain.
  3. Painful stings are experienced when disturbing ant mounds.


Although we charge a fee for this service, our qualified team of experts has been trained to correctly treat fire ants on residential and commercial properties in South East Queensland. As licensed pest control specialists, we can treat properties using both fire ant bait and liquid insecticide via direct nest injection for quick and effective treatment.
Here are some other reasons why you should consider using Canfield Pest Control for your fire ant treatment:

  • We are licensed and authorised pest managers

  • No more waiting 8+ weeks to start your project. When using Canfield Pest Control, there is limited downtime (about 72 hours) when an active nest is found.

  • We take care of all the Biosecurity paperwork (reports can take up to 3 hours for you per active nest). 

  • We only use fipronil-based chemicals and a direct nest injection method to guarantee whole nest eradication.

Coppery red brown fire ants

What damage can fire ants cause?

Because of their stings, fire ants are considered a dangerous pest. A fire ant encounter usually involves dozens of ants moving quickly and undetected. By the time they sting, there may be tens or hundreds of ants on your body, and they tend to all sting at once.

It is possible for the stings from fire ants to cause a painful, burning and itching sensation that can last for an hour. When several stings occur, the body feels like it is on fire. If you observe any symptoms of a severe reaction in someone who has been stung by fire ants, seek urgent medical advice. 

People are not the only ones who are affected. Dogs and cats can also be stung and injured, and exposure to venom may cause allergic reactions or blindness.

Fire ants can form nest mounds on lawns, sporting fields, or golf courses, which could have serious economic impacts. Ant activities and nesting materials can also damage electrical equipment. 

Fire ants can have devastating consequences for our environment, economy, and human health. For these reasons, fire ant treatment should be carried out as soon as possible. 

Our Fire Ant treatment process



Native to South America, fire ants are small, coppery brown ants that can inflict painful stings on humans and animals. They can also have major impacts on our environment and agriculture.


Solenopsis invicta (the fire ant, or red imported fire ant (RIFA))


  • copper brown in colour with a darker abdomen
  • quite small at 2 – 6 mm
  • found in a variety of sizes within the one nest.

Top 5 places to check for fire ants

  • Lawns
  • Footpaths, driveways and fence lines
  • Garden beds
  • Near water sources
  • Utility pits, including water and gas metres.

To find out more information about fire ants – click here to be taken to the Queensland Biosecurity website. All the information you need to keep up to date with news and information on fire ants can be found on their site.


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